Books for Freedom Lovers

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

McCain - GOP Standard Bearer?

How on earth have we let this happen? Every conservative I know has major issues with our presumptive nominee. He fails to appear at state GOP conventions, sending Mitt Romney in his place even in his home state of Arizona. He has committed, however, to attend the La Raza national convention! While conservatives across the nation decry the scare tactics used by 'environmentalists', he is promising all out war on global warming and the natural consequence of yielding yet another precious piece of our national sovereignty. While I could go on with the laundry list of issues on which the conservative base takes a position opposite from the newly-crowned standard bearer, it is far better to listen to the words and watch the body language of the man himself. There are many such videos out there, but this one is short and leaves no doubt as to whether or not this man is capable of leading a party, much less a nation. GOP Leadership: Please pay attention or say goodbye to the party of conservatives!

Friday, May 9, 2008

My New Favorite Song

I love this song! I never heard of Aimee Allen before, but this is great.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

March in DC

Let's use what rights we have left and show our numbers! See you in DC!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Breaking News - Paul Won't Endorse McCain

Finally! Dr. Ron Paul is getting some well-deserved press coverage of late. He was on CNN's morning show the other day, a FOX radio show, and numerous local radio shows in states with upcoming primaries. Today, on Wolf Blitzer's CNN show, The Situation Room, he interviewed Dr. Paul and tried unsuccessfully to get him to admit he should fall in line behind John McCain for the sake of party unity. Ron Paul, however, is smarter and tougher than any Wolf, and eloquently spoke about his core platform as only a true statesman can do.

What Will You Do With Your Tax Rebate?

Instead of spending your tax rebate on goods made in China, consider this idea I received in an email today:

Paper into Gold - The Perfect Plan

This is it! The perfect way to bring the totalitarian neo cons and
nanny government proponents, a.k.a. our present government, to their
unconstitutional knees! This is great and goes right to their
darkest power, the power to hit print!

The government is handing out 152 billion in tax rebates right? Well
all we have to do is take that tax rebate money and buy GOLD! That's
right, now just let that smile spread across your face, ya just keep
thinking about that . . ;) 152 billion fake dollars turned into
GOLD held by the American People. They're Done!!!

Archimedes along with the rest of the world will take notice and
insist that the American Government follow the lead of the American
people. The world insisting, "Why we should we accept your fake,
borrowed against, deficit spent paper money when even your own
people have placed a "Golden Vote" of no confidence in the U.S.
government's financial policies?"

(A) The government will be forced to shut down the printing
(B) No more deficit spending!
(C) The government will be forced to obey the constitution
concerning money based on Gold and Silver!

With our government sponsoring unconstitutional wars with fake
unconstitutional paper money and running deficits that make us all
debtors this one simple act and stroke of financial security and
rebellion against the financial fraud of our present government
will do more to empower, secure and accomplish our collective goals
than any other idea or action!

By taking their fake paper money and turning it into Gold we the
People of the United States will be able to wield and enforce the
Golden Rule, which is, "Those with the Gold, Rule!" And the Power
and the Gold will be back in the hands of the American People where
it belongs!

This election year I heard some one say, "If you think you are a
leader you better take a look behind you and if no one is following
you, Man you're just somebody out for a walk." Well, as you well
know, we and the other freedom groups are dedicated cadres but if
we don't capture the mind, imagination and attention of the American
People then we're all just out for a walk in the calm before the
storm of destruction that is presently approaching this country.
It's time for the freedom forces to start leading the American
people not just their own choirs. And as I said, "This is It!" I
defy anyone to come up with a better or even equal plan to
accomplish our goals, and let's stop right there because you and I
both no there isn't. Are you kidding? This is a salesman dream!
You're asking the American People to send their out of control
government a Golden message that they absolutely can't ignore! It
costs the people nothing! They're taking worhtless insulting bribe
money and turning it into the financial security of Gold! Do this
and we will look over our shoulders to see the American people
following us! And many of our goals will be accomplished by this
single act.

Avery C. Mac Cracken
P.O. 1528
Telluride, Colorado 81435
Tel. 970-708-7398