Books for Freedom Lovers

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

McCain - GOP Standard Bearer?

How on earth have we let this happen? Every conservative I know has major issues with our presumptive nominee. He fails to appear at state GOP conventions, sending Mitt Romney in his place even in his home state of Arizona. He has committed, however, to attend the La Raza national convention! While conservatives across the nation decry the scare tactics used by 'environmentalists', he is promising all out war on global warming and the natural consequence of yielding yet another precious piece of our national sovereignty. While I could go on with the laundry list of issues on which the conservative base takes a position opposite from the newly-crowned standard bearer, it is far better to listen to the words and watch the body language of the man himself. There are many such videos out there, but this one is short and leaves no doubt as to whether or not this man is capable of leading a party, much less a nation. GOP Leadership: Please pay attention or say goodbye to the party of conservatives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how the man can be the nominee with NO support. I can't vote for anyone still running this year. I have reasons to not vote for 5 candidates at my blog Keep blogging!