Books for Freedom Lovers

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hope for America

There is still hope! Denver may not only be the only city with an unconventional convention!

McCain 'breaks official spending cap' - CLICK HERE to read

Note that the mainstream media has chosen not to cover this story...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why is Chuck Baldwin Angry at his Fellow Pastors?

One of these days, I'll do some more of my own writing! However, life is extremely busy at the moment. I wanted to post this article, though. It is a very interesting article and well worth the read! This is by Chuck Baldwin, a well-respected Baptist preacher in Florida, and he has some very salient points from a Christian point of view. If you haven't heard of some of the things he mentions (like the NAU, for example), please research them as soon as possible. Our nation is circling the drain, and we must all join together to keep from her slipping right on down into the sewer. There is a peaceful revolution underway, and all American patriots will need to participate for it to succeed. The revolution will not be televised (as is the catch phrase on many revolution-related websites). We must educate ourselves, then work as hard as we can to make the message spread like wildfire. The fire is already burning; we just need to fan the flames!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The GOP is Fearful of What it Sees in the Mirror

Time's on-line magazine (which is presented in partnership with CNN) featured an article on March 20, 2008 titled, "Why Ron Paul Scares the GOP". While it misses the mark in a few details, the essence of the article, written by Michael Grunwald, does a fairly good job of explaining how the Republican Party has drifted from its conservative roots. It also explains that Ron Paul is the only GOP presidential candidate whose message and record are clearly conservative and that the GOP has not relished having to look in the mirror so often during this primary season.

George Bush Just Doesn't Get the "-isms"

Here is a great article by Pat Buchanan on Bush and his attacks on patriots by invoking the negative connotation of certain '-isms'. Isolationism, protectionism, and nativism - what do these terms really mean, and are they good or bad for America?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can Nazi Germany be Repeated in the US?

People taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Millions taken to concentration camps. Men, women, and children exterminated en masse. An entire nation's population convinced their government is working to keep them safe from foreign evils, creating a great sense of nationalism, while dissenters are labeled unpatriotic and many disappear without a trace.

Anyone familiar with the Nazi regime in Germany has heard these horror stories. Americans have considered ourselves lucky to live in a free country where such atrocities could never occur. Or could they?

They can. The wheels are already in motion. Unspeakable plans have been unfolding for the last 100 years or so. This is scary stuff, so if you're not ready for a huge dose of reality, you might want to stop reading right here! Once you read it, you won't be able to just erase it from your memory.

The perpetrators who are succeeding in taking America away from us are counting on you finding the truth so monstrous as to be completely inconceivable. They want you to dismiss it as fantasy and continue with your daily life as they work to bring their plans to fruition. Indeed, much of it sounds like the old Superhero cartoons where there was always a madman trying to take over the world. I assure you, however, that I would not feel compelled to write about tall tales. My motivation is my love for my country and an urgent need to save her for my children and future generations.

Over the last decade or so, I've heard little pieces here and there, which singly sounded like alarmism coming from crazy conspiracy theorists. I did as expected, as the vast majority has. I chose to ignore terms like 'New World Order', even when used by our own president. I remember hearing in a college economics class that the Federal Reserve Bank was a private entity with no government oversight or accountability, yet they controlled our money supply. I thought that sounded a little fishy, but never bothered to look into it further. I'd heard about the North American Union and rumors that the media was shady, yet let it all go in one ear and right out the other - like a good little sheep should.

It was not until I discovered Ron Paul that I began to question how easily I had dismissed these casual observances. Here was a 10-term Congressman with an unimpeachable integrity espousing many of these same ideas. He's certainly not a crazy conspiracy theorist, so I thought maybe there is some truth to this after all. In the month or so that has since passed, I have spent many hours googling these subjects. I have probably only discovered an infinitesimal portion of what is out there. Rather than reinventing the wheel, check out the links in this post for more information, which you can then investigate yourself.

Concentration camps are already built and ready to detain huge numbers of Americans. Who exactly? Well, me......and now, you. You see, it is those of us who are on to their scheme who will fight them with everything we have at our disposal to keep our freedom. We are the constitutionalists, the true American patriots, and they plan to ensure our silence. I told you it was scary stuff!

NOTE: When you click on the link above about the concentration camps, be sure to click on the maps (a little ways down on the right) to see exactly where they are, a video taken of one of them in Indiana, and a state-by-state list of facilities.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mainstream Media's Bias Run Amuck

For a long time, I've felt that the majority of the mainstream media outlets have had a liberal slant as is widely accepted. When I first discovered Ron Paul, one of the first thoughts I had was, "Why haven't I heard about this guy on any of the news channels?" I usually watched FOX news and sometimes MSNBC and had been following the race fairly closely for nearly a year. I remembered Ron Paul from some of the debates, but I couldn't remember much of what he'd said - only that the other candidates and moderators had dismissed him as someone who would probably feel more comfortable in the Democrat debates.

How could this man have the most conservative voting record in Congress, yet the Republicans and mainstream media had successfully convinced me and countless others that he was a kook? As I delved further into attempting to answer this question, I realized that the media has not only been biased against Dr. Paul, but has blatanly lied and omitted facts that the electorate doesn't even know they're missing. The corruption I've discovered is... well, see for yourself:

FOX News - producer tells camera man not to get Ron Paul supporters in his shots (Sept. 2007)

ABC - coverage of supporters outside the Iowa GOP Debates (August 2007)

CNN Debates - CNN's own polls after the debate included more than 30,000 voters, yet the results were never reported on CNN TV

CNN - Coverage of the first 'money-bomb'; (note there was far less coverage of the next 'money bomb' in December, which raised more than $6 million in one day)

These are just a few examples. Search for yourself on YouTube or google, and you will be absolutely amazed at how widespread the media's blackout on Ron Paul has been. As we know, the majority of Americans get their news from TV and - for the most part - believe what they see and hear. This explains the "I agree with Ron Paul on most issues, but I'm not voting for him because he can't win" syndrome.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why was Tucker Carlson's show cancelled by MSNBC?

Last week, Tucker Carlson mentioned on his show that he might like to have Congressman Ron Paul as a nightly featured guest. He reportedly received thousands of emails like mine (below), and my guess was he was pushing too hard to let America hear Dr. Paul's message. A few days after I sent this email, MSNBC reported that they were taking Tucker's show off the air! Coincidence?

Subject: Yes, have Ron Paul on your show daily!

This is a wonderful idea! I'm not sure if you were serious, but if you were to highlight Dr. Paul, it might help make up for the media's mistreatment of him over the last 12 months. He is STILL in this race to win, and Americans deserve to know this and to hear his message of "freedom, prosperity, and peace" for themselves. I myself just discovered Ron Paul less than three weeks ago when I googled him out of desparation at the thought of having to choose between McCain and Huckabee in our Texas GOP primaries. Until then, I'd fallen for the media's blatant misrepresentation of Ron Paul as a fringe candidate with outrageous, radical ideas (tons of video proof on YouTube). When I finally did my own research, I discovered the TRUTH, and the TRUTH set me FREE!

I am not some hysterical conspiracy theorist or anarchist as most are led to believe makes up the base of Ron Paul supporters. Many of those folks are indeed drawn to Dr. Paul because his message of RESTORING a limited & transparent federal government that abides by the Constitution, free markets and fair trading policies, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy (NOT isolationism), and individual liberties addresses most of the issues these 'fringe' Americans have with their government. However, this message is far more accepted and appeals to Americans from all walks of life because of the simple and pure nature of it, and the honesty & proven integrity of its messenger. In talking with fellow Ron Paul supporters, I've found liberals, conservatives, independents, libertarians, constitutionalists, and yes, some anarchists, too! A desire for the truth and REAL CHANGE and the sheer joy at having found it in Ron Paul's message is our common ground. We share a renewed optimism for our country and a spirit of patriotism, the intensity of which many of us can feel growing daily as we educate ourselves on the Founders' advice and intentions and how far we've strayed off course. We want our country back.

It is worth noting that many of the delegates McCain has 'won' aren't even pledged or bound to vote for him. He must win the delegate count at the CONVENTION, and there could be major surprises yet to come - September is a long time from now! We've got Romney & Huckabee supporters and supporters of other fallen candidates out there looking for another alternative since their candidate QUIT. They need to know that Dr. Paul is not a quitter, and he offers them true conservatism and integrity like no one thought possible in today's political arena! At least half of the GOP is NOT happy with McCain and his 'bomb, bomb, bomb.......bomb, bomb Iran' antics and his TOTAL lack of knowledge in the area of economics, not to mention his support for amnesty, his unwillingness to drill in ANWR, his '100-year' war plan for Iraq, his squelching of free speech in his disastrous McCain-Feingold legislation, and his votes against the Bush tax cuts.

PLEASE, do America this service by allowing them to hear for themselves what the good doctor is all about! If they don't agree, they'll back someone else. If they do agree, they deserve the chance to let their voices be heard. There are about a million of us out here trying to get the message out, and we are succeeding to a great extent thanks largely to the Internet. If we could get just a little better treatment in the mainstream media, it might make all the difference in the world! You, Tucker Carlson, could go down in history as the one journalist who did not fall in lock-step with the others, and instead put your career on the line to ensure that the American people are truly informed of ALL of their choices in this historic election! You could even be the moderator at a head-to-head McCain v. Paul debate - I believe the Paul campaign will issue the challenge to McCain, so you could offer the venue and give McCain no reason to say no!

Thank you, Tucker!
--Danielle Kays

It's Time for Extensive Foundation Repair!

Liberty, as the Founders intended, is a cornerstone of America alongside responsibility, morality, and justice. If any of these cornerstones fails, the others begin to deteriorate. Soon, the entire foundation upon which America was built, are shaken and begin to crumble. If you can honestly look around you today and say that all four cornerstones are solidly in tact, then there is no need for you to be reading blogs like Naked Liberty! If, however, you see the crumbling of our society and would like to see it restored rather than fall, look into these things for yourself with an open mind. You will soon find your own 'truth glasses' and they will lead you to the path where you can actually make a difference.

My corrected vision, as discussed in my last post, has allowed me to see that the people entrusted with upholding the Constitution have simply been ignoring it and twisting it into something the Founders would not even recognize. As Ron Paul has said, “The Founders would be ashamed of us for what we’ve been putting up with!” To fix the mess we’ve created, we must return to the rule of law.

The Constitution is a contract between we, the people, and our government, and it is enforceable like any other contract under the rule of law! The government cannot just ignore or edit parts it doesn’t like! There is a mechanism already provided for changing it because the Founders knew it would not be a perfect document for all times. Why don’t they just use the amendment process and put the power in the hands of the people – where it belongs – if they want to go around creating money out of thin air, stripping us of individual liberties in the name of security, entangling us with foreign alliances that almost always come back to haunt us, sending our troops into battle without a declaration of war by Congress and under the flag of international organizations, whittling away our sovereignty, etc.? WE were given this power, not THEM.

Dr. Paul Cured my Blindness

Dr. Paul cured my blindness a short four weeks ago!

If you wear corrective lenses, do you remember how you felt the first time you put on glasses or contacts and could suddenly see things you never even knew you were missing? I remember getting dizzy and even somewhat nauseous because of my new-found ability to see individual leaves on trees and individual pebbles in pavement.

As early voting was about to begin here in Texas, I was still struggling with a decision between McCain and Huckabee. You see, my vision had not yet been corrected, and I was only seeing what the media and the GOP insiders wanted me to see. I had done research on all of the candidates over the last six months or so, but never even bothered to look up Ron Paul because I was convinced he was a fringe candidate who more closely resembled the liberal democrats.

Out of sheer desperation at the thought of having to choose McCain or Huckabee, I finally googled the other remaining candidates. I visited Hillary's website and Obama's, too, looking for any redeeming qualities that would make me feel good about voting for them. As expected, though, they are both WAY too liberal - to the point of being outright Socialists. Then I googled Ron Paul. I'd been fairly observant when the candidates dropped out one by one, and I didn't remember him quitting yet. So I thought, what the heck!

Within the span of a couple of hours spent watching various youtube videos, I began to get that dizzy feeling as my vision began to get clearer. The nausea began to sweep over me as I realized more and more how I’d been duped by those who call themselves unbiased journalists as well as other conservative voices, which I had previously thought were correct in their analyses of all things political.

More on Ron Paul later, but Naked Liberty is about much more than one man. He just happens to be the one who got me (and countless others) to finally be able to really think outside the box. When we are able to make that paradigm shift and start looking at EVERYTHING from a new point of view, many say that we have been ‘awakened’, and I use that term frequently now.

It’s as if I stumbled upon a pair of ‘truth glasses’ that have allowed me to see past the media’s lies, omissions, and not-so-subtle innuendos. These glasses are a permanent correction of my vision, which spurs me to seek information in a relentless pursuit of the truth about our country, our government, our monetary system, our history, our people, and our liberty.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to Naked Liberty!

As a writer with a background in marketing and public relations, I've often thought about starting my own blog. I knew that it must be focused on a specific topic about which I cared enough to post frequently on a long-term basis. I have toyed with the idea for more than a year now, trying to nail down a subject that could continually get my creative juices flowing. Naturally, I looked to my interests and experience to find an area I'd really like to talk about and share with others. Nothing jumped out at me as the one single topic I was dying to write about AND that I thought anyone else would care to read.

Well, here I am with a blog, so something must have finally clicked, right? Right! I finally zeroed in on a subject about which I am deeply passionate and that I believe will resonate with readers.
My posts here at Naked Liberty will seek to share the message of individual liberty and exploring what it truly means to be free. I will focus on bringing to light the blatant lies by the media, the trampling of the Constitution by the US government, and thoughts on how we, the people, can restore America to Her status as a shining beacon deserving of the world's respect and admiration. My only problem now is figuring out where to begin!

Less than 30 days ago, I was awakened from my mainstream media-induced sleep and have hardly stopped searching for the truth ever since. I hope my posts will convey what I've learned, and I will include links to multiple source documents wherever possible so that my readers do not have to rely solely on my word.

I am not a crazed anarchist or conspiracy theorist. I have not lost my mind. I, like millions of others, have simply become aware that I was led astray by ALL of the news outlets and our government. I now feel it is my obligation to my fellow Americans and for the sake of future generations to help spread the message of liberty, which we have forgotten somewhere along the way.

Each individual will have to find their own way to the truth, and only if they're looking for it. I can only try to plant seeds of doubt in the current state of affairs while simultaneously planting seeds of hope that there IS a better way. If enough seeds are planted, events will occur that will reinforce what has been said and eventually, everyone will WAKE UP! All who have been 'awakened' have a different story to tell about that moment when the light bulb came on - or some say that it was a culmination of events over a period of years rather than a single trigger that sparked a sudden realization.

Here at Naked Liberty, I'll try to strip away the fluff and expose the truth about freedom! In my next post, I'll relate the story of how I was 'awakened'.