Books for Freedom Lovers

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can Nazi Germany be Repeated in the US?

People taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Millions taken to concentration camps. Men, women, and children exterminated en masse. An entire nation's population convinced their government is working to keep them safe from foreign evils, creating a great sense of nationalism, while dissenters are labeled unpatriotic and many disappear without a trace.

Anyone familiar with the Nazi regime in Germany has heard these horror stories. Americans have considered ourselves lucky to live in a free country where such atrocities could never occur. Or could they?

They can. The wheels are already in motion. Unspeakable plans have been unfolding for the last 100 years or so. This is scary stuff, so if you're not ready for a huge dose of reality, you might want to stop reading right here! Once you read it, you won't be able to just erase it from your memory.

The perpetrators who are succeeding in taking America away from us are counting on you finding the truth so monstrous as to be completely inconceivable. They want you to dismiss it as fantasy and continue with your daily life as they work to bring their plans to fruition. Indeed, much of it sounds like the old Superhero cartoons where there was always a madman trying to take over the world. I assure you, however, that I would not feel compelled to write about tall tales. My motivation is my love for my country and an urgent need to save her for my children and future generations.

Over the last decade or so, I've heard little pieces here and there, which singly sounded like alarmism coming from crazy conspiracy theorists. I did as expected, as the vast majority has. I chose to ignore terms like 'New World Order', even when used by our own president. I remember hearing in a college economics class that the Federal Reserve Bank was a private entity with no government oversight or accountability, yet they controlled our money supply. I thought that sounded a little fishy, but never bothered to look into it further. I'd heard about the North American Union and rumors that the media was shady, yet let it all go in one ear and right out the other - like a good little sheep should.

It was not until I discovered Ron Paul that I began to question how easily I had dismissed these casual observances. Here was a 10-term Congressman with an unimpeachable integrity espousing many of these same ideas. He's certainly not a crazy conspiracy theorist, so I thought maybe there is some truth to this after all. In the month or so that has since passed, I have spent many hours googling these subjects. I have probably only discovered an infinitesimal portion of what is out there. Rather than reinventing the wheel, check out the links in this post for more information, which you can then investigate yourself.

Concentration camps are already built and ready to detain huge numbers of Americans. Who exactly? Well, me......and now, you. You see, it is those of us who are on to their scheme who will fight them with everything we have at our disposal to keep our freedom. We are the constitutionalists, the true American patriots, and they plan to ensure our silence. I told you it was scary stuff!

NOTE: When you click on the link above about the concentration camps, be sure to click on the maps (a little ways down on the right) to see exactly where they are, a video taken of one of them in Indiana, and a state-by-state list of facilities.

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