Books for Freedom Lovers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why was Tucker Carlson's show cancelled by MSNBC?

Last week, Tucker Carlson mentioned on his show that he might like to have Congressman Ron Paul as a nightly featured guest. He reportedly received thousands of emails like mine (below), and my guess was he was pushing too hard to let America hear Dr. Paul's message. A few days after I sent this email, MSNBC reported that they were taking Tucker's show off the air! Coincidence?

Subject: Yes, have Ron Paul on your show daily!

This is a wonderful idea! I'm not sure if you were serious, but if you were to highlight Dr. Paul, it might help make up for the media's mistreatment of him over the last 12 months. He is STILL in this race to win, and Americans deserve to know this and to hear his message of "freedom, prosperity, and peace" for themselves. I myself just discovered Ron Paul less than three weeks ago when I googled him out of desparation at the thought of having to choose between McCain and Huckabee in our Texas GOP primaries. Until then, I'd fallen for the media's blatant misrepresentation of Ron Paul as a fringe candidate with outrageous, radical ideas (tons of video proof on YouTube). When I finally did my own research, I discovered the TRUTH, and the TRUTH set me FREE!

I am not some hysterical conspiracy theorist or anarchist as most are led to believe makes up the base of Ron Paul supporters. Many of those folks are indeed drawn to Dr. Paul because his message of RESTORING a limited & transparent federal government that abides by the Constitution, free markets and fair trading policies, sound money, a non-interventionist foreign policy (NOT isolationism), and individual liberties addresses most of the issues these 'fringe' Americans have with their government. However, this message is far more accepted and appeals to Americans from all walks of life because of the simple and pure nature of it, and the honesty & proven integrity of its messenger. In talking with fellow Ron Paul supporters, I've found liberals, conservatives, independents, libertarians, constitutionalists, and yes, some anarchists, too! A desire for the truth and REAL CHANGE and the sheer joy at having found it in Ron Paul's message is our common ground. We share a renewed optimism for our country and a spirit of patriotism, the intensity of which many of us can feel growing daily as we educate ourselves on the Founders' advice and intentions and how far we've strayed off course. We want our country back.

It is worth noting that many of the delegates McCain has 'won' aren't even pledged or bound to vote for him. He must win the delegate count at the CONVENTION, and there could be major surprises yet to come - September is a long time from now! We've got Romney & Huckabee supporters and supporters of other fallen candidates out there looking for another alternative since their candidate QUIT. They need to know that Dr. Paul is not a quitter, and he offers them true conservatism and integrity like no one thought possible in today's political arena! At least half of the GOP is NOT happy with McCain and his 'bomb, bomb, bomb.......bomb, bomb Iran' antics and his TOTAL lack of knowledge in the area of economics, not to mention his support for amnesty, his unwillingness to drill in ANWR, his '100-year' war plan for Iraq, his squelching of free speech in his disastrous McCain-Feingold legislation, and his votes against the Bush tax cuts.

PLEASE, do America this service by allowing them to hear for themselves what the good doctor is all about! If they don't agree, they'll back someone else. If they do agree, they deserve the chance to let their voices be heard. There are about a million of us out here trying to get the message out, and we are succeeding to a great extent thanks largely to the Internet. If we could get just a little better treatment in the mainstream media, it might make all the difference in the world! You, Tucker Carlson, could go down in history as the one journalist who did not fall in lock-step with the others, and instead put your career on the line to ensure that the American people are truly informed of ALL of their choices in this historic election! You could even be the moderator at a head-to-head McCain v. Paul debate - I believe the Paul campaign will issue the challenge to McCain, so you could offer the venue and give McCain no reason to say no!

Thank you, Tucker!
--Danielle Kays

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