Books for Freedom Lovers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's Time for Extensive Foundation Repair!

Liberty, as the Founders intended, is a cornerstone of America alongside responsibility, morality, and justice. If any of these cornerstones fails, the others begin to deteriorate. Soon, the entire foundation upon which America was built, are shaken and begin to crumble. If you can honestly look around you today and say that all four cornerstones are solidly in tact, then there is no need for you to be reading blogs like Naked Liberty! If, however, you see the crumbling of our society and would like to see it restored rather than fall, look into these things for yourself with an open mind. You will soon find your own 'truth glasses' and they will lead you to the path where you can actually make a difference.

My corrected vision, as discussed in my last post, has allowed me to see that the people entrusted with upholding the Constitution have simply been ignoring it and twisting it into something the Founders would not even recognize. As Ron Paul has said, “The Founders would be ashamed of us for what we’ve been putting up with!” To fix the mess we’ve created, we must return to the rule of law.

The Constitution is a contract between we, the people, and our government, and it is enforceable like any other contract under the rule of law! The government cannot just ignore or edit parts it doesn’t like! There is a mechanism already provided for changing it because the Founders knew it would not be a perfect document for all times. Why don’t they just use the amendment process and put the power in the hands of the people – where it belongs – if they want to go around creating money out of thin air, stripping us of individual liberties in the name of security, entangling us with foreign alliances that almost always come back to haunt us, sending our troops into battle without a declaration of war by Congress and under the flag of international organizations, whittling away our sovereignty, etc.? WE were given this power, not THEM.

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