Books for Freedom Lovers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why is Chuck Baldwin Angry at his Fellow Pastors?

One of these days, I'll do some more of my own writing! However, life is extremely busy at the moment. I wanted to post this article, though. It is a very interesting article and well worth the read! This is by Chuck Baldwin, a well-respected Baptist preacher in Florida, and he has some very salient points from a Christian point of view. If you haven't heard of some of the things he mentions (like the NAU, for example), please research them as soon as possible. Our nation is circling the drain, and we must all join together to keep from her slipping right on down into the sewer. There is a peaceful revolution underway, and all American patriots will need to participate for it to succeed. The revolution will not be televised (as is the catch phrase on many revolution-related websites). We must educate ourselves, then work as hard as we can to make the message spread like wildfire. The fire is already burning; we just need to fan the flames!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin in 2008! Thank God we have an option, this year for the first time, I will be voting principles not party.