Books for Freedom Lovers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dr. Paul Cured my Blindness

Dr. Paul cured my blindness a short four weeks ago!

If you wear corrective lenses, do you remember how you felt the first time you put on glasses or contacts and could suddenly see things you never even knew you were missing? I remember getting dizzy and even somewhat nauseous because of my new-found ability to see individual leaves on trees and individual pebbles in pavement.

As early voting was about to begin here in Texas, I was still struggling with a decision between McCain and Huckabee. You see, my vision had not yet been corrected, and I was only seeing what the media and the GOP insiders wanted me to see. I had done research on all of the candidates over the last six months or so, but never even bothered to look up Ron Paul because I was convinced he was a fringe candidate who more closely resembled the liberal democrats.

Out of sheer desperation at the thought of having to choose McCain or Huckabee, I finally googled the other remaining candidates. I visited Hillary's website and Obama's, too, looking for any redeeming qualities that would make me feel good about voting for them. As expected, though, they are both WAY too liberal - to the point of being outright Socialists. Then I googled Ron Paul. I'd been fairly observant when the candidates dropped out one by one, and I didn't remember him quitting yet. So I thought, what the heck!

Within the span of a couple of hours spent watching various youtube videos, I began to get that dizzy feeling as my vision began to get clearer. The nausea began to sweep over me as I realized more and more how I’d been duped by those who call themselves unbiased journalists as well as other conservative voices, which I had previously thought were correct in their analyses of all things political.

More on Ron Paul later, but Naked Liberty is about much more than one man. He just happens to be the one who got me (and countless others) to finally be able to really think outside the box. When we are able to make that paradigm shift and start looking at EVERYTHING from a new point of view, many say that we have been ‘awakened’, and I use that term frequently now.

It’s as if I stumbled upon a pair of ‘truth glasses’ that have allowed me to see past the media’s lies, omissions, and not-so-subtle innuendos. These glasses are a permanent correction of my vision, which spurs me to seek information in a relentless pursuit of the truth about our country, our government, our monetary system, our history, our people, and our liberty.

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