Books for Freedom Lovers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to Naked Liberty!

As a writer with a background in marketing and public relations, I've often thought about starting my own blog. I knew that it must be focused on a specific topic about which I cared enough to post frequently on a long-term basis. I have toyed with the idea for more than a year now, trying to nail down a subject that could continually get my creative juices flowing. Naturally, I looked to my interests and experience to find an area I'd really like to talk about and share with others. Nothing jumped out at me as the one single topic I was dying to write about AND that I thought anyone else would care to read.

Well, here I am with a blog, so something must have finally clicked, right? Right! I finally zeroed in on a subject about which I am deeply passionate and that I believe will resonate with readers.
My posts here at Naked Liberty will seek to share the message of individual liberty and exploring what it truly means to be free. I will focus on bringing to light the blatant lies by the media, the trampling of the Constitution by the US government, and thoughts on how we, the people, can restore America to Her status as a shining beacon deserving of the world's respect and admiration. My only problem now is figuring out where to begin!

Less than 30 days ago, I was awakened from my mainstream media-induced sleep and have hardly stopped searching for the truth ever since. I hope my posts will convey what I've learned, and I will include links to multiple source documents wherever possible so that my readers do not have to rely solely on my word.

I am not a crazed anarchist or conspiracy theorist. I have not lost my mind. I, like millions of others, have simply become aware that I was led astray by ALL of the news outlets and our government. I now feel it is my obligation to my fellow Americans and for the sake of future generations to help spread the message of liberty, which we have forgotten somewhere along the way.

Each individual will have to find their own way to the truth, and only if they're looking for it. I can only try to plant seeds of doubt in the current state of affairs while simultaneously planting seeds of hope that there IS a better way. If enough seeds are planted, events will occur that will reinforce what has been said and eventually, everyone will WAKE UP! All who have been 'awakened' have a different story to tell about that moment when the light bulb came on - or some say that it was a culmination of events over a period of years rather than a single trigger that sparked a sudden realization.

Here at Naked Liberty, I'll try to strip away the fluff and expose the truth about freedom! In my next post, I'll relate the story of how I was 'awakened'.

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