Books for Freedom Lovers

Monday, April 28, 2008

All Hands on Deck!

July 12, 2008 will go down in history as the day when the sovereign people of this country were able to say with one voice, "We want our country back!"

Whether you call it the Freedom March, the Constitution March, the rEVOLution March, or any other name you can think of, this will be a defining moment in America. In response to the media's blackout on his campaign, Congressman Ron Paul called for a massive march on Washington in a video announcement to his supporters earlier this year. The event, however, is not being organized by the presidential campaign. It is being professionally organized by people with experience and a dedicated staff able to obtain the necessary permits, secure speakers and entertainment, deal with the logistics, security, travel and lodging arrangements, etc. While Dr. Paul is confirmed as the keynote speaker, this march is about so much more than one man.

Already, patriots have heard the call of, "All hands on deck!" and are making their travel plans. This can only succeed if our numbers are truly astounding. Every man, woman, and child (it is a family event) who does not want this country to continue to be ruled by a few elite bankers and corporations MUST respond to this call to action. I know people who are shutting the doors to their businesses, renting RV's and sharing the expense with others who can also share the driving. I know people who have scheduled vacation days & asked for overtime to save money for airfare and hotel. Meet-up groups are holding 'chip-ins' to help sponsor people who want to go, but need financial assistance. If you sincerely believe that America is headed down the wrong path and would like to see the restoration of our Constitution, our individual liberties, our property rights, our sovereignty, etc., please start making arrangements now to be in DC on July 12!

Here's a great video promo for the march. It gives just one reason to attend, but it's a BIG reason and one most Americans can agree on!

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