Books for Freedom Lovers

Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't Take My Word for It

If there is one thing I've learned during the last few months of talking to people about our disappearing freedoms in general and about Ron Paul in particular, is that each individual must search for and learn the truth in their own way and on their own timetable. In my posts and in my conversations with family and friends, I can only hope to give others something to mull over in their minds until they eventually start to try to find out the answers for themselves.

It is a difficult task to make such a paradigm shift in one's political thinking. I have been known to argue passionately for the case of the Bush Administration prior to being awakened to reality. Friends and family find it hard to believe that I no longer support Bush and the Neocons, but it is true! It did not, however, happen over night and no, I didn’t drink the Kool-Aid. Over more than a decade, seeds were planted in my mind, so that when I finally started to look outside of mainstream media for answers to my questions, I began to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I can not expect anything less of others. I don't think we have another decade to sit idly by, though, and it is for this reason that I sometimes get a little overly insistent that people come around more quickly.

This is not familiar territory to me. I'm used to being able to win friendly debates because I use facts to back up my arguments. In this matter, though, most people are not swayed by the facts. It is a testament to just how far America has veered off course -- most Americans can no longer imagine what our Republic was supposed to look like, had it developed according to our founding documents. Americans today tend to believe that big government is a necessary evil and that, in order to maintain it, high taxes and oppressive regulations are to be expected. Government meddling in countless affairs for which it has no constitutional authority has become so commonplace that Americans now believe they could not function without federal regulations on everything from education to farming and federal assistance to an ever-growing list of groups including the sick and the needy - not only here in America - but around the globe.

Please, look into these things and learn everything possible in the shortest amount of time! If you find there is no factual basis for any cause for concern, then you can be satisfied and can let things continue along their present course. If, however, you begin to have more and more light bulbs going off as I did, please keep learning and find out how you can get actively involved in whatever way you can. Educating ourselves and others is the only way we can win back our freedom, peace, and prosperity. This is the purpose of my blog in a nutshell.

What steps can you take, specifically? You can start by finding out about things like the SPP, NAU, the Amero, TTC, REAL ID, FEMA Camps, the Federal Reserve, the CFR, and why martial law was used in New Orleans and Greensburg, KS. Just Google them. Look up legislation as you find it referenced in articles, and read the actual legislation. Many documents have been recently declassified and you can read them for yourself as well. Read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Once you get started, you will likely find that your problem becomes where to stop researching and (hopefully) how to start acting!

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