Books for Freedom Lovers

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Horatio Bunce: A Hero's Hero

WHO? You're probably asking yourself, "Who in the world is Horatio Bunce?" He was a simple farmer with a keen political sense who once helped his Congressman to see that our federal government was not authorized by the Constitution to redistribute the wealth of citizens - even for a good cause. His representative was none other than Davy Crockett of Alamo fame.

Everyone loves a good Davy Crockett story, right? This one has nothing to do with his heroic efforts to defend the Alamo, but it is an extraordinary tale nonetheless. "It's Not Yours to Give" is the title of an excerpted story, originally published in "The Life of Colonel Crockett" by Edward Sylvester Ellis. Its lesson is timeless. It is a favorite of Dr. Ron Paul's, and he routinely carries copies with him to hand out, especially to the many children he meets.

CLICK HERE to read the entire story.

For those who worry about the poor and whether our government is doing enough to help them, I hope this story helps you to understand why they should be doing nothing at all. We, as compassionate individuals and communities, have the freedom to help others as we see fit.

The government exists to protect the individual's freedoms, including the freedom to spend one's money however they please. It does not exist to redistribute wealth for any reason - not even to help those who are disadvantaged in any way. The restrictions on government spending were put in place to ensure the longevity of the Republic. The Founders knew that, once people figured out they could vote themselves a windfall, only those politicians who promised to give them more and more would ever be elected to office, eventually bankrupting the nation. Sound familiar? Entitlement programs of every ilk, pork barrel projects galore, programs to spend billions helping the poor - not only those residing in our own country, but around the globe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I respect Ron Paul on every issue but one. He just does not see the danger that Islam has always been to America and her values. For this reason alone I am left no option but to put him in the 'dangerous to American existence' bracket along with Barack and Billary. The primary issue of our time is to defeat radical Islam's attempt to rule the world with terrorist tactics or by any means available to them. Technological means are becoming more and more available, so we must involve ourselves with Islamic progress in military arms. We must involve ourselves with Islamic proliferation throughout the world. We must be the police force for the world in order to just exist, not only to flourish.