Books for Freedom Lovers

Monday, April 21, 2008

How do we Fight for Freedom?

If you've been around the Ron Paul campaign or the freedom movement for any length of time, you've undoubtedly heard of the book The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin. Mr. Griffin has been involved in the freedom movement since he was first 'enlightened' or 'woken up' in the 1960's.

A few days ago, on a message board somewhere, I saw a post with a link to what the writer claimed to be an inspiring video. I clicked on it and saw that it was an hour & 23 minutes long and almost left the page. Thankfully, though, I noticed in the description that it was by G. Edward Griffin. That name rang a bell, so I watched it, albeit in 10 minute increments throughout the day.

For anyone who finds themselves overwhelmed by the enormity of the problems we face and is thinking that there is no hope for a solution, please watch this. If you're still not convinced we have a problem with eroding individual liberties, astronomical growth of government, a currency becoming more worthless by the day, a nation whose sovereignty is being sold piece by piece, etc., then please continue to do your own research until you are satisfied one way or the other.

Those who are unaware of the enemy we face, the tactics they use, their motives, their successes to date, and their vision of victory are understandably not active in the fight to right the ship. Those who are aware and choose to sit idly by and watch events unfold have no excuse for apathy. Mr. Griffin blames this apathy on the method used to spread the message, including his own method up until a few years ago. Too often, he says, the message is focused on all of the problems without offering truly workable solutions, and without a possible fix in sight most people simply give up. I myself am guilty of trying to get people to see the problems without offering a solution. But until I saw this video, I (like most) had no idea how to really go about helping our cause. This video offers real solutions and a brilliant plan for putting them into action. The only piece needed to complete the mission is people willing to do whatever needed to take our country back. If you're serious about trying to help restore America to a nation of free individuals enjoying life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness protected by a truly limited government, please watch this video!

An Idea Whose Time has Come - G. Edward Griffin, Freedom Force International

For more information, check out the website for Freedom Force International, founded by Mr. Griffin, or their bookstore, The Reality Zone.

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