Books for Freedom Lovers

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Who are the Rothschilds?

Most people have heard of this family. Perhaps you know them as wealthy financiers or owners of wineries and fine art. Perhaps you've heard their name mentioned in connection to various 'conspiracy theories' over the years. If you search the web, you'll find lots of websites containing information on them, including a few of their own websites.

There is an author named Andrew Hitchcock who has done extensive research and who has written "The History of the House of Rothschild". It is in the form of a time line that stretches from 1743 up to 2005. This is the most complete work I've seen yet and was well worth the two hours or so it took me to read it. You can also choose to view it as a Power Point slideshow if you prefer.

If you think you were educated by an American public school system that taught you everything you need to know about history, think again! If you don't know the details contained in this chronicle, there has been much left out of your education and mine. If your first reaction is to doubt the material, please search for other sources to confirm or deny the assertions made. I have already found many other sources that corroborate part or all of this story. Revisionist history is not a theory, but a fact. Please educate yourself - the media won't do it for you due to reasons that will become crystal clear if you read this and start your own quest for the truth.

The notion that the truth will set you free is indeed a correct statement. We cannot be truly free and enjoy our individual liberties as promised unless we arm ourselves with the truth, then work together to spread it to everyone we know. Once the truth is known by enough people, the house of cards will come crashing down and we will experience true freedom for the first time in our lives.

Again, I have not researched all of the contents of the linked article and I must assume that it is not 100% correct, just as no work produced by man. Nor can I say that I agree completely with the author on all points. However, if any of it is true, it deserves further research followed by action to take back the country our ancestors secured for us.

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