Books for Freedom Lovers

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Taking Back the GOP from the Bottom Up

The neocons who have hijacked the GOP are hereby on notice. We WILL take back our party and return it to fiscal conservatism and a respect for the rule of law! They are squatters in OUR house, and we will not tolerate their war mongering, outrageous spending, empire building, and lack of regard for the US Constitution any longer! We're sick over what they have done to the Republican Party and our great nation, and we will stand together to save both and the principles on which they were built.

Precinct by precinct; county by county; state by state... We are a force to be reckoned with and our numbers are growing daily. Unfortunately,some in our movement are loud and obnoxious, but most of us are educated, well-reasoned, well-spoken patriots who refuse to sit by and watch our country slip away from us.

Listen to this guy - a Ron Paul supporter speaking at a GOP convention in Tarrant County, Texas. He is speaking in favor of a RP nominee for the position of Permanent Chairman of the Convention. In many parts of the red state of Texas, this tactic was successful and led to the running of the entire convention by a group of true conservatives. Go Texas!


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Anonymous said...

Hi there. I just saw your post in the Daily Dose and thought I would send good vibes your way. It looks great so far, your blog! Keep it up...keep us informed of the good fight!
HC in NV

Anonymous said...

Hi -
Keep up the good work. Best Libertarian Regards from Bonsall, CA. - A. R. W.